Comparison on "Song of Songs" by Ellen Gilchrist and "Shopping" by Joyce Carol Oates

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Unconditional Love What is love? Love is a very special and meaningful word to each human being. Unconditional love is a special type of love that can happen when each person accepts each others without hesitation. In most families, the bond between parents and child is one of unconditional love. However, not all families' relationships are ideal. In the two short stories "Shopping" by Joyce Carol Oates and "Song of Songs" by Ellen Gilchrist, the …

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…suddenly fulfills all her desires to feel a sense of belonging. From this unconditional love she becomes a contented person who can share her happiness with her family without holding any hatred from her past life. Both Mrs. Dietrich and Barrett Clare are able to reach out and enhance their lives through love. The two women both overcome the unhappiness and desperation in their lives. Love has created a bond to link mothers with daughters.