Comparison of the female characters in Chronicle of a Death foretold

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Women today are made to feel empowered; they can do anything they set their minds to. Even though this is true, women are still often discriminated against in the workplace, at school, and even at home. Women are usually classified as the weaker sex and are not always treated as equal as men. Sexism plays a major role in today's society and in Chronicle of a Death Foretold, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Her beauty in …

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…ramaribo" (49-50). Woman in the Colombian culture can either accept the social codes leading their sexuality, or they can abandon them. Although women are made to feel empowered today it is a fairly new concept. Women have always been discriminated against and probably always will be. From Chronicle of a Death Foretold, we can see that although the women were discriminated against they went against the so-called "rules" of society and emerged from their oppression.