Comparison of shakespear poem/sonnet to a modern day song from kmfdm (with citings and all)

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
February 28, 2002 Shakespearian Slam Dancing Thankz to KMFDM Whether it?s the thrashing of the heavy-metal guitars or the delicate disposition of a few tender words, a song can constrict an audience with an invoking message of passion. The modern day song, "Truth," by KMFDM, contains comparable likeness to Shakespeare's, "Sonnet 30." The two songs, although written in different periods of time and in variable fashions, embody similar topics concerning memories of the past, the briefness of …

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…fore-bemoaned" (11), and thus the end of all omens from the past. Some artists recognize the social issues that ingrain themselves into a society. They present their ideas in a lyrical, sophisticated manner. Shakespeare wrote a tribute to an endeared friend while KMFDM sung an epitat of moral responsibility. There is no sense in a dull, inarticulate existence, nor is there a point to dwelling on the past. Let bygones be bygones, as it is said.