Comparison of main female characters(Jane, Edna Pontellier, and Louise Mallard) from the novels written by , The Awakening, The Yellow Wallpaper and The Story of an Hour.

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The narrator (Jane) of The Yellow Wallpaper and the character Edna Pontellier from The Awakening and Louise Mallard of The Story of an Hour are equally trapped within the boundaries of male domination. These boundaries come from their husbands, whom will not allow them to right to express themselves as individuals. They are to be "the wives" and nothing more. Not content with the situation, these women try to break away from the stereotype. Edna …

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…from male domination. The freedom she possesses now makes her feel as if she is no longer confined. When she discovers Mr. Mallard has not died, she dies of a sudden heart attack, symbolizing her need for freedom. Jane, Edna, and Louise all feel idle within their boundaries. Although each dealt with their oppression in different ways, they all broke loose in someway from the woman's role in society and realized their need for freedom.