Comparison of Romeo and Juliet to Westside Story

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Comparison of Romeo and Juliet to Westside Story These stories are very similar. They both have characters that act the same way. As a matter of fact you would have thought the same person had written both stories. From Romeo and Tony to Tybalt and Bernardo the characters play the same role. Did the author of Westside Story rewrite Romeo and Juliet to appeal to a modern audience? Is Maria actually Juliet? Anyone who has …

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…warn that if their differences are not resolved that someone is going to get hurt. The similarity between these two stories is almost uncanny. It seems as if the same person wrote both stories. The characters in each story all have counter parts in the other story. No matter how similar or dissimilar anyone may think these stories are they both send the same message. The message is simple, love will conquer all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**