Comparison of Jackson Pollack, Willem De Koonig and Mark Rothko in the modern era

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Jackson (Paul) Pollock, was an American painter, who was a leader of the abstract expressionist movement. He was born in Cody, Wyoming, and studied at the Art Students League in New York City with Thomas Hart Benton. Pollock spent several years traveling around the country and sketching. In the late 1930s and early 1940s he worked in New York City on the Work Projects Administration Federal Art Project. His early paintings, in the naturalistic style …

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…edu/aic/collections/modern/78pc_dekooning.html Van der Vlugt (2004) Jason Pollock, master of Arts. Retrieved on July 31, 2004, from, Dennis J. Sporre. The Creative Impulse. (2004). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Prentice Hall. Jackson Pollock (1912-1956). Cody Wyo. (2004). Retrieved on August 4, 2004, from Tiscali.reference.(2004). Retrieved on August 6, 2004, from