Comparison of Cable modems to DSL

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
Two internet technologies have emerged over the past several years for switched data communications services. Cable Modems operate over two-way hybrid fiber/coax and provide user rates as high as 10 Mbps. The average speed most user will see is at around 550-650 KB or (4500-5500 Mbps), but some people may experience slightly faster speeds. ADSL Modems (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Lines) operate over existing copper telephone lines and provide rates as high as 8 Mbps, but more …

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…to the entire customer base. Even though, Cable companies are out performing ADSL companies, because they offer a faster, less expensive product to the consumer. With a few security precautions by the user, for example: Firewalls, Anti virus scans, Etc, cable modems are far more superior to ADSL, in this writer's opinion. Sources of information: 1. Article - Cable Vs DSL By Daniel Tynan 2. Forums. 3. Cablevision - Internal training manuals.