Comparison of Blue Winds Dancing and A Red Girl's Reasoning

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Tom Whitecloud's "Blue Winds Dancing" and E. Pauline Johnson's "A Red Girl's Reasoning" are both stories that comment on cultural differences between the dominant white North American culture and the Native culture. In "Blue Winds Dancing", a young Native college student reflects his place in society while making a journey home. In "A Red Girl's Reasoning", an Englishman loses his Native wife as a result of his narrow-mindedness towards her culture. The two stories are …

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…their Native heritage. These two stories both have important views on Native American culture. The characters' thoughts and feelings towards their culture is evident throughout both stories. Learning to understand the characters, including their thoughts and beliefs, will show the reader how there are many cultural differences among Native Americans and white culture. Johnson and Whitecloud use point of view, diction, and their characters' actions to outline the cultural differences present in the two stories.