Comparison of Bacchae

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Comparison Of Bacchae and Hippolytus In the plays Bacchae and Hippolytus, many similarities and differences exist between the relationships of the characters. One similarity between the relationship of Pentheus and Dionysus in Bacchae and that of Hippolytus and Aphrodite in Hippolytus are the tragedies caused by the gods to these characters. These tragedies are caused by the lack of respect towards the gods. In both the plays, there is hostility between the divine and human …

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…reading Bacchae and Hippolytus, many similarities and differences exist in the relationships of the characters. One similarity as stated above, are the tragedies caused by the gods to these characters. Another similarity is the god speaking the opening lines and expressing anger at not being worshipped. In addition, gods sometimes have anthropomorphic qualities as in the case of Dionsyus in Bacchae. In both Bacchae and Hippolytus, anthropomorphic qualities are maximized. In Hippolytus, jealousy is maximized.