Comparison of Athens and Sparta. Focuses on differences between the two city states i.e. Spartan militarism vs. Athenian arts, literature, culture.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Ancient Greece was a land of contradictions and conflict. Located amist rugged mountains, the Greek mainland was both protected from its enemies, and isolated from its allies, making communication between the many Greek city-states extremely difficult. Each city-state and the lands around it were referred to as a polis, and each polis functioned as an independent country, with its own laws and government. Despite the unwillingness and inability of the Greek city-states to unite, the …

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…the button. There is nothing heroic or beautiful about that. Our technology has come such a long way, yet our morality and ideals have not kept up. The Greek city-states were so weakened by fighting one another, that they fell to Rome around 371 BC Are we not exactly in the same position? The answer is yes, and the stakes are much higher. We have enough power to not only destroy ourselves, but the entire world.