Comparison of "A Clockwork Orange" and "Dog Day Afternoon": Left and right cycle films.

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Essay Database > History > European History
I want to explore the concept of "left cycle" films using the article entitled "The Left and Right Cycles" by Robert Ray. To help me explore what makes up a "left cycle" film, I will compare two movies, both "left cycle" according to Ray. Those movies are "Dog Day Afternoon" and "Clockwork Orange". What makes both of these movies "left cycle", and how to they differ within that classification? First, I think it is important …

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…cycle film, I think both Dog Day Afternoon and Clockwork Orange, fall into that category. Both films represent the pessimistic view that all frontiers have disappeared. Both films have an outlaw, although it could be left up to the individual viewer as to whether or not they end up on Alex's side. And in both films, we see classic genre expectations manipulated or reversed, and the characters buying into the cultural myths that surround them.