Comparison between Prometheus in the epic of Gilgamesh and the snake in Genesis.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Prometheus, the creator of mankind, and the snake in Genesis both purposely and wrongfully want to give the human race knowledge and wisdom. In the next paragraphs, I will discuss the characters qualities, how and why they decide to provide this knowledge, and, finally, both the positive and the negative consequences of doing so. When seen in context, Prometheus and the snake have very similar qualities. They are both extremely knowledgeable and wiser than the …

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…give knowledge to mankind, intentions that may be honorable, but not necessarily right. They took the people out of their comfort, and brought them into a life of labor and hardships. Should people really be thankful for this? Sure, we might have still been ignorant, but Ignorance seems like a small price to pay compared to all the horrible things that came along with not having it. The expression "Ignorance is bliss" truly is justified.