Comparison between "Brave New World" and "Blade Runner"

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The quality and importance of humanity's relationship with the natural world, or its response to the absence of the natural world is evident in a comparison between the opening sequence of "Blade Runner" and facets of "Brave new World". The, largely reactionary texts, rebukes science and its negative effect on the natural world whilst revealing the need for and importance of individuality. They present a hypothesized future where the natural order has been overturned and …

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…onto the holistic 'World state'. The Name itself suggests a global powerhouse. This is emphasized via the satirical paragon 'COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY'. In Huxley's projection, community has replaced personal identity and social cohesion and individuality. Ultimately, aspects "Brave New world" correlate with the opening scene of Blade Runner, presenting a dim view of the future where the natural rhythms of the world has been erased and finally destroyed in place of artificiality and monotonous identity.