Comparison between A Prayer for Owen Meany by Irving, Fifth Business by Davies, and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by Berendt

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
Many novels attempt to define and understand current social issues and acknowledge how the world has affected by past interventions and how they might influence in future. Many authors have used different design tools and post-modern qualities to express their ideas and views to society. Novels, such as A Prayer for Owen Meany by Irving, Fifth Business by Davies, and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by Berendt are beautiful examples of post-modern …

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…Along with Hansford's relationship to James as a helper, they grew a homosexual relationship that was uncommon in society of this era 1980s. Since James was a businessperson, he didn't want to reveal his secrets of homosexuality to public because it could affect his public image laying a great deal of impact on his business contractors and close friends. This apprehension later leads him to the murder of Hansford; resulting in a two years prison.