Comparison Between Two political parties in Chile (PPD; PS)

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Introduction This project is based upon comparing two contemporary parties to each other, and then to the parties of Chile in the XIXth century. But before one can start to study this aspect, they must answer the question: "What is a political party?" By dictionary definition, the reply is: "An established political group organized to promote and support its principles and candidates for public office." We agree with this statement. A party is a gathering …

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…the opressive government that made the aristocrats rise to power, and did not care about the lesser peoples. These parties promote social equality and state that all humans are equal. However, both parties greatly resemble the liberal governments formed at the late XIXth century, with their liberal ideas on social reform, health, economy and human rights. All three stand for equal human rights, and equality between everyone.