Comparism of 2 film industry of 2 different countries

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KOREA Film Industry: For more than ten years Korea has been producing distinctive and original movies in great number. A combination of changing laws regarding domestic production and critical shifts in government in the 1980s led to great new opportunities for creative expression, including an extraordinary independent film movement. The arrival of directors such as Hong Sang Soo, Jang Sun Woo, Kim Young Bin and Park Cheol Soo make Korea's place among the world's great …

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…attacks on authority in even routine studio products. Bibliography 1.Lee Server, ASIAN Pop Cinema Bombay to Tokyo, Chronicle Book, 1999, Hong Kong 2.Susan Hayward, Cinema Studies the key concept, Routledge, 2000, London 3.Kristin Thompson and David Bordwell, Film History An introduction, McGraw Hill, 1994, United States 4.John Hill and Pamela Church Gibson, World Cinema critical approaches, Oxford University Press, 2000, U K 5. 6.