Comparism and Contrast between 'Foul Shots' by Rogelio Gomez and 'Civilize them with a stick' by Mary Crow Dog.

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The readings "Foul Shots" by Rogelio Gomez and "Civilize them with a Stick" by Mary Crow Dog reflects on the discrimination and prejudice experienced in places of education. In "Foul Shouts," Gomez examines the shame and anger he felt as a teenager faced with obstacles of race and social class while Mary, a Sioux woman writes on the debasement and racism in a satire on color prejudice she suffered as a young student at a …

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…future on the altar of "diversity" and cooperate in their own dispossession. Perhaps if everyone would have a positive outlook on this problem in the future, there will be an end to all of the segregation in this nation's schools and everywhere else that this pestilence exists. They only wish Mary asks in the "Civilize them with a stick," is to be left alone to participate in the unfolding of her racial and cultural destinies.