Comparing the Novel "Anne of Green Gables" to "In spite of myself" by L.M.Montgomery .

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Comparing Anne of Green Gables to "In Spite of Myself" The works of L.M.Montgomery may be about love or everyday life; and her setting mostly takes place in a poor cottage or a society mansion. But always, her stories open up for us a world we have lost, a world of old-fashioned values and concerns, a world that we enter into gladly. The master storyteller takes us to western Canada as well as …

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…pieces of literature above have to battle in order to prove their worth in the face of their society, so do we all have to deal with today's rigid opinions and beliefs. For instance, if workers believe they are treated unfairly in their workplace, they themselves are the only ones to speak up and fight for their own rights. Even though L.M Montgomery may be old-fashioned, she will never be out of fashion, never.