Comparing lives of Zitkala-Sa and Anzia Yezierska

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The stories of Zitkala-Sa's The School Days of and Indian Girl and Anzia Yezierska's College, are both about girls who were minorities who are placed into an unfamiliar and unfriendly environment. They both lived in 19th century when the idea of segregation was still strong. They were discriminated and faced harsh realities of the white world. They both faced problems because of the differences in their customs from middle class American Society. There are many …

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…became easy targets as scapegoats. However, they later both became famous by overcoming those difficult obstacles. Zitkala-Sa became one of the first Native American writers. She also worked for teacher, violinist, and activist for Native American rights. Anzia became one of the popular writers, and one of her short stories received the O. Henry Prize. They suffered shame and oppression because of their different customs, but they both overcame those difficulties by never giving up.