Comparing differences in Romeo and Juliet, Act 1 Scene 5.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Romeo and Juliet essay I have been comparing differences in Romeo and Juliet, Act 1 Scene 5. <Tab/>In the scene I am studding there is a lager social variety, there is a large range of importance, it's a sort of hierarchy, this occurs in both families. The kitchen servants are at the bottom running around getting everything sorted, slightly higher up is the nurse who ahs earnt respect from the family by …

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…play isn't all going to be tragedy and death. Having a good contrast of tragedy and comedy in the play keeps all of the play interesting; if it was all tragedy then it would get boring very quickly. Also Tybalts anger prepares us for his fight with Romeo and Mercutio, causing Mercutio's death after being stabbed underneath Romeo's arm, and Tybalts death after he is stabbed many times and falls backwards in to the fountain.