Comparing and contrasting "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" and "Taming of the Shrew".

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The battle between the sexes, a war between men and women, has been going on since the very beginning of time. The two genders have always been opposing, challenging and competing against one another. At the end of every battle, there will always be a victor. In the battle of the sexes especially, the men will always comes out victorious. Many great works of literature that's been written in the past has proved this theory …

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…saw how the men learned to control and tamed their wives. The women have become obedient and faithful and finally admitted defeat willingly towards their husbands. Bibliography: *<Tab/>Novel Guide: The Taming of the Shew. 3 May. 2005 <>. *<Tab/>Dirks, Tim. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966). 1996 - 2005. 3 May. 2005 <>.