Comparing "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Bless Me, Ultima".

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Childhood is the most carefree part of a person's life. Children are instinctively pure creatures, unperturbed by the troubles that may surround them. Like the quote above states, the incidents they go through are simply black and white, good and bad. However, as they grow older, they lose their innocent state of mind. They are suddenly thrown into a world where they are constantly struggling to defeat the odds and are desperately seeking answers to …

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…and goes to mass regularly. Tony is influenced by her to embrace all the cultural influences in his life to become a better person, instead of being restricted to just one culture. Ultima teaches him to make his own moral choices and her guidance leads Tony to resolve his conflicts. Bless Me, Ultima is the story of Tony's development from childhood to maturity, and he learns from Ultima that only he can determine his future.