Comparing "Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad" and its film adaptation "Apocalypse Now" by Francis Ford Coppola.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
All adaptations are not created equally. According to Absolute Shakespeare ., "sixty one film adaptations and twenty one TV adaptations alone have been made of Hamlet, the earliest being in 1907 and the latest in 2000" Many adaptations do not even come close to what an adaptation should be. The closer they come to portraying the original Authors' views, the better that adaptation is. Francis Ford Coppola adapted Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness to the big screen and …

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…to adapt Heart of Darkness better to the time period, of which it was released, for monetary and time constraints to conform it to the big screen, and just to put in his interpretation. Even with all the changes Coppola made, not only did he keep Conrad's ideas, essence and theme intact, he also enhanced those ideas. That is what made Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now a great adaptation to Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.