Comparing "A separate Peace" by John Knowles with "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Someone once said " Competition does not build character it reveals it." This quote can be interpreted as meaning while competing against peers your true personality shows and is revealed. This statement can be related to novels A Separate Peace by John Knowles and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. In both works the protagonist fights an ongoing battle and eventually shows the reader their true character. Gene Forrester and Victor Frankenstein perfectly prove that this statement is …

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…novel Frankenstein we are presented with a man who has many problems and creates a monster to complicate those problems. Which only leaves him in the position to compete against the thing that he created. In A Separate Peace Gene is faced in a different battle against his best friend Finny. Which in turn reveals to us many important characteristics that Gene has been hiding. Therefore Gene and Victor prove that Competition only build character.