Compareson of what effect the mongols had on 3 differnt society's

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Thesis: The Mongol invasions had impact on the regions of China, India, and Russia. Now the Mongols had a different impact on each region. In China the Mongols had a great and apparent impact on them (Chinese) were weakened. The Mongols impact on India was a lot less noticeable, to the point where many would think it to be non existent but there was a very a great impact but it strengthen the Indians in …

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…Russia. Now the Mongols had a different impact on each region. In China the Mongols had a great and apparent impact on them (Chinese). The Mongols impact on India was a lot less noticeable, to the point where many would think it to be non existent but there was a very a great impact but it strengthen the Indians in the long run. Mongol impact on Russia was much like its impact on the China.