Compare/Contrast of Political Parties: American Independent Party and the Populist Party

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Essay Database > Law & Government
INDEPENDENT PARTY 1) Values and Beliefs -Protect the right to life of the innocent unborn; -Stop the undeclared wars which are daily costing American lives and billions of tax dollars; -Stop reckless spending, including foreign aid, and take care of America's domestic needs -End debt financing of both Federal and State governments; -End the Federal income tax, and restore a tariff based revenue system; -Immediately terminate international trade agreements such as NAFTA, WTO, and the proposed …

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…the democratic candidate william jennings bryan of nebraska -populism began to decline -one factor limited populism's strength in the south -peoples party failed to gain wide support in the south -the southern alliance advised its memebers to support major party candidates who favored agricultural interests -the underlying reason for the failure of populism in the south was the issue of white supremacy -the southern alliance feared that populism might lead to gains for african americans