Compare/Contrast: "Just Lather, That's Al"l and "The Color Purple."
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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
"Just Lather, That's All" and the shaving scene from "The Color Purple" have similar conflicts. The protagonists of the story are both having to shave the beard of someone whom they don't particularly care for. In "Just Lather, That's All" the barber is a rebel, and it just so happens that the enemy comes in for a shave. In "The Color Purple" Celie was forced to marry a man who never wanted her in the
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Celie was in America and the barber was in Colombia. Celie was forced to rejuvenate on a regular basis while the barber was faced with this one time. Celie had to shave this satanic man habitually. These two anecdotes just go to show that people and situations are more alike and more different than you may think, you have to sit down and analyze them both before you can come to a bona fide conclusion.
Celie was in America and the barber was in Colombia. Celie was forced to rejuvenate on a regular basis while the barber was faced with this one time. Celie had to shave this satanic man habitually. These two anecdotes just go to show that people and situations are more alike and more different than you may think, you have to sit down and analyze them both before you can come to a bona fide conclusion.