Compare the ways in which the authors of 'The Red Room', 'The Black Cottage' and 'The Signalman' Create Fear and Suspense

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In this essay I will be examining how the authors of 'The Red Room', 'The Black Cottage' and 'The Signalman', create fear and suspense in the reader. The fear genre is a huge genre that has thousands of stories within it. The scariest are ones that can make the reader actually think he or she are in the story. They can make the reader feel the different emotions and feelings that occur in the story. …

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…is what they did. Personally I think the scariest story out of the three is 'the signalman'. This is because it involves a ghost that appears to warn the signalman of a tragedy that will occur on the railway line but leaves him in a state of confusion of what to think and then a disaster does occur making you think that this ghost is incredibly strange and this adds to the feeling of fear.