Compare the ways in which tension is created in these opening sequences of great expectations 'david lean' 1946 and 'julian jarrolds' 1999 version

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In both adaptations, Mrs Gargery is portrayed in a similar way. She is very angry and violent, she hates having to look after Pip; she finds him a burden on her life, and her beating of Pip could be regarded as shocking. The David Lean film shows her mainly from the point of view of a bystander, watching her from a distance, rather than experiencing her wrath.. The audience do sympathise with Pip, but due …

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…Pip in bed, and then cuts back to the point in which the convict speaks to him. This is used to build up suspense in the audience during the time in which Pip returns home. The audience knows that something has happened in the graveyard, but they do not know exactly what. They are unsure as to whether they will ever find out what has occurred or whether the incident will remain as a mystery.