Compare the short story "Flowers for Algernon" with the movie, bringing out carefully the differences between the two and including your evaluation of which medium is the more successful.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The differences between "Flowers for Algernon" as a short story and as a movie represent the differences between the two media. In my essay I am going to show, from the differences between the short story and the movie, the differences between the two media, coming up with the conclusion that the short story is the better medium by which to tell this story. One of the most significant differences between the short story and …

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…ethics, which in the short story represent Dr. Nemur. In my opinion the short story is the more successful medium by which to tell the story, because the movie creates you through a lot of emotions one specific opinion about what happens to Charlie. Whereas in the short story you have more chance to create your own opinion about the story, which is a very important thing in stories but also in your life. words: 574