Compare the leadership qualities shown by Caesar, Antony and Lepidus so far. How effective is each as a leader and why?

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The story of Antony and Cleopatra is set just as world leaders began evolving. Prior to this change a good leader was seen as being a mighty warrior, someone who was skilful in the battlefield, but as demands of the world began changing, leaders began evolving into politicians. There was no need for them to be great warriors; they had to be cunning, manipulative and intelligent. Antony, Caesar and Lepidus are all different types of …

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…and so in some people's eyes, he does not deserve it. In conclusion, Shakespeare demonstrates to the audience that to be a great leader, you definitely do not have to be a good person. You have to adapt to the changing world and be willing to do anything to retain your power. In this respect, Caesar is definitely the best leader out of the triumvirs and for this, is the most respected by the audience.