Compare the descriptions of the society of '1984' and 'Brave New World' in the first three chapters of each book. Huxley and Orwell comparison.

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In both '1984' and 'Brave New World' the societies represent a totalitarian regime, with one leader, one idea and one-way of life. Both display the nonsensical idea of there being only one permitted way of thinking. From the opening paragraph of '1984' the reader becomes aware of the unsanitary environment. Its surrounding world is grey and unwelcoming, "a swirl of gritty dust". The main character in the novel, Winston Smith seems not to …

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…fore "birth." A commanding, almost other worldly, God-like leader governs each world, although but both "Big Brother" and "Our Ford," promote different reactions from the readers. It seems that "Big Brother," is a cruel, malicious dictator and "Our Ford," is a caring leader, whose main concern is providing the best for his people but both the former and the latter are shaping and creating a world through control, whether either actually exist within these societies.