'Compare how "Brave new world" and "Blade runner" explore the tension between humanity and the natural world.'

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The concepts and ideas of humanity and the natural world are present within the two texts "Brave new world" written by Aldous Huxley 1931, and "Blade runner" directed by Riddley Scott 1982. These two tests have been used to demonstrate the tension between humainty and the natural world, by exploring the ideas of identity, science and technology and through nature. Firstly in the text "Brave new world" the identity of the characters living in the "controlled" and "…

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…animals as property and status rather than pure and free. Gaff also conveys meaning with mithical animals by creating a oragami unicorn which signifies truth and purity lost, which is a recurring idea throughout the film. Overall both texts "Blade runner" and "Brave new world" signify the tension between humanity and the natural world by using the creaters context, to provide depth into the issues of the identity, science and technology and the natural world