Compare and discuss how different characters react to being imprisoned in "Little Dorrit "by Charles Dickens.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The first person who I am going to discuss will be William Dorrit. He has been held within the walls of the Marshalsea prison for over 20 years and has gained the reputation as being 'the father of the Marshalsea' of which he is proud. This is because he seems to be clinging on to any sort of reputation which may fulfil his continuous charade of elevated class and rank. He tries his hardest to be …

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…as long as he has the money to pay for it and a cellmate 'Cavalletto' to impose on. He doesn't have to do any work while Cavalletto is about and once accounted for his being a gentleman on the fact that he has never aided his passive friend at pretty much anything. It seems fitting that he finally perishes by Mrs. Clennam's house falling upon him, she being the very woman he attempted to blackmail.