Compare and contrast the two Catherine's in the novel.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the novel "Wuthering Heights", the major female character, Catherine had given birth to young Catherine. Their character traits are alike. There are contrasts between them, too. Nelly once said that, "Cathy was the most winning thing that ever brought sunshine into a desolate house - a real beauty in face - with the Earnshaw's handsome dark eyes." But Heathcliff said that, "Those two, who have left the room, are the only objects which retain …

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…there, hearing you said that it would be degraded for marrying him. For young Catherine, she did things very impulsively. She would like to explore the world outside her home. She ran out once when Edgar Linton was off to carry Isabella's son, young Linton. For two Catherines, they have similar characters traits but acts very differently. For comparing, young Catherine was wiser. She solved the problems and did things wiser that her mother, Catherine.