Compare and contrast the role of Lenin and Trotsky in establishing and contributing to the communist state in Russia from 1917-1924.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Lenin and Trotsky had both been able to contribute to the establishment and consolidation of a communist state in Russia 1917-24. In the beginning, before the Civil War, Lenin's past seemed to be the one of spreading ideology to communism by his speeches, slogans and other forms of propaganda. On the other hand, Trotsky was more of a realist. He took care of the action the Bolsheviks had to take in order to be successful. …

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…was skilful at defeating the White armies. In 1919 he defeated Admiral Kolchak who was attacking from the East and in 1920 defeated the remaining troops in the Crimea. <Tab/>Lenin was influencing the mind of the people in order to promote communism and gain support. Trotsky might not have appealed as much to the people but, without him, the Bolsheviks would never have been able to successfully set up a commie state.