Compare and contrast the openings of the novels 'Enduring Love' by Ian McEwan and 'Knowledge of Angels' by J.Patton.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Compare and contrast the openings of the novels 'Enduring Love' and 'Knowledge of Angels'. Examine in detail both form and content, and assess the effectiveness of each as a beginning of a novel. 'Enduring Love' by Ian McEwan and 'Knowledge of Angels' by Jill Patton Walsh are two very different novels, concerning very different subject matters, yet both have managed to master capturing the reader's avid attention and imagination in their enthralling openings. One about …

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… Angels' proved to be effective in that they grasped the attention of and managed to maintain the interest of the reader. In both cases, I'm sure the majority of readers would want to read on after reading these first chapters. They were interesting as openings as both authors adopted several literary techniques, which only added to their ability to captivate the reader's imagination, and overall they were definitely effective as the beginnings of novels.