Compare and contrast the film and the book "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

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The different media of film and book mean that with the same story of "To Kill A Mockingbird" different devices can be used to show the meaning of the story. However, the film is compressed and some sections are inevitably omitted. This means that the film director, Robert Mulligan, had to be selective as to which parts were included in the film, which could distort or alter the final impression that you are left with. …

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…that Scout has finally matured and realises the truth about Boo Radley and also the logic behind Heck Tate's suggestion. The film "To Kill A Mockingbird" has excluded certain scenes and even whole themes that were shown in the book, such as family life and southern customs. However, the film still retains the main themes of the book, for example injustice, and childhood, and coveys a good sense of what this classic book is about.