Compare and contrast the characters of Malcolm and Banquo. To what extent and in what ways are they associated with natural order ?

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Like his father, King Duncan, Malcolm values bravery 'this is the sergeant who like a good and handy soldier......fought against my captivity'. Although we do not know much about his proven combat ability, we are almost sure that he could be an outstanding warrior, one day. As a King's son and rightful heir to the throne, he is in the line with the forces of natural order. Not only does Malcolm value bravery, he …

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…his life which in fact ended in an unnatural manner as he was murdered. It is undoubtedly that in Malcolm we see the forces of natural order persist and endure: his natural virtues of wisdom, patience and steadfastness in addition to being the rightful appointed heir to the throne clearly outline and determine his triumph over the dark forces of nature and allow him to win the day, reigning over the forces of natural order.