Compare and contrast the characters and actions of Athene and Hermes.

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Essay Database > History > European History
Athene and Hermes were great influences in Greek mythology and attributed to the twelve Olympians. Both divinities displayed uncanny similarities and obvious distinctions. While one dealt with war and wisdom, the other was the god of commerce and messenger of the gods. Athene and Hermes were half siblings and were linked by their father Zeus. Athene was born under weird circumstances, since her mother, Metis, was swallowed by Zeus when she was pregnant. The reason …

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…the goddess of wisdom and war was a virgin while the other was notorious for his promiscuity. Yet even with their differences both were cherished by their father Zeus. Athene seemed to be his favourite because she essentially came from his 'womb.' And Hermes gained Zeus' affection from his first day of birth. While both divinities contrast in sex, position of power and appearance, they do share likeness' in bettering the lives of humankind.