Compare and contrast "My last Duchess" and "Porphyria's Lover" By Robert Browning.

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Title: - Compare and contrast "My last Duchess" and "Porphyria's Lover" By Robert Browning. Robert Browning was born on May7, 1812, in Camberwell, England. His mother was an accomplished pianist and a devout evangelical Christian. His father, who worked as a bank clerk, was also an artist, scholar, antiquarian, and collector of books and pictures. His rare book collection of more than 6,000 volumes included works in Greek, Hebrew, Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish. Much of Browning's …

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…le fantasy by taking a dominant role, with obvious sexual intentions. In the nineteenth century this would have had the dual effect of being both sensational and revolutionary. In the eyes of a modern reader, neither poem is particularly shocking, as people are more familiar to material of a revealing nature. This shows that when reading and understanding texts, the reader has to bear in mind the times and context in which they were written.