Compare and contrast Joyce's 'Araby' and 'Eveline'. Comment on the writer's effectiveness.

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Joyce's 'Eveline' is a story about a young woman who was unhappy with her life so decides to run off with a man whom she fell in love with. The plot of the story is a quest-like search for the love she doesn't feel with her father. The writer spreads this throughout the story, showing the depth of Eveline's character and her problems that come mainly from her father and all that arise from their …

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…language and put them effectively into the stories. However, in contrast with this, both stories, 'Araby' and 'Eveline' are the same, but yet different. The writer, however effective he is, still leaves us thinking 'are the stories similar of different' and this is a gift that not many writers have or could, so yes, the writer is very effective in both stories, and I guess that this leaves us in a state of paralysis also.