Compare and contrast Joyce's 'Araby' and 'Eveline'. Comment on the writer's effectiveness- corrected

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Joyce, James was born on February 2, 1882 in Rathgar, a suburb of Dublin. The oldest of 10 children, his family moved to different part of Ireland during his upbringing. In 1898, he began to attend University College, Dublin, and four years later he moved to Paris. He returned to Dublin in 1903 because of his mother's illness, and around this time he met Nora Barnacle, his lifelong companion. The North Richmond Street's, houses and schools were founded by Edmund …

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…not returned and the other being two types of love, were one is stronger. This is how it shows modern relevance to me. The writer, however effective he is, still leaves us thinking 'are the stories similar of different?' and this is a gift that not many writers have or could, so yes, the writer is very effective in both stories, and I guess that this leaves us in a state of paralysis also.