Compare and Contrast the roles of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer in the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
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Essay Database > Literature
In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are two young boys growing up in the "Pre-war South." Tom, known for "playing it by the books" has a very extravagant outlook on life. Huck on the other hand is the more conservative of the two and has a realistic attitude. Their friendship is based on their ability to play off each other's contrasting personalities. The opposing characteristics of both
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skin and treat Jim as a human being. Although he will never consider Jim as an equal, he has already taken momentous steps towards realizing that the slave institution is unjust. Huck has gone beyond anybody in his society and has become free of the limitations that the southern society has placed on thought. He has become nearly the opposite of Tom, who is the perfect embodiment of the southern lifestyle and way of thinking.
skin and treat Jim as a human being. Although he will never consider Jim as an equal, he has already taken momentous steps towards realizing that the slave institution is unjust. Huck has gone beyond anybody in his society and has become free of the limitations that the southern society has placed on thought. He has become nearly the opposite of Tom, who is the perfect embodiment of the southern lifestyle and way of thinking.