Compare and Contrast the Spanish, British, and French colonial experiences. (economic, political, immigration policies, native relations, and geographical references)

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- For the Spanish, their motives were economic and religion. They wanted to "Christianize Natives". They were mostly located in South America, Central America, and the West Indies. The British motives were only economical. They were located in North America and in the West Indies. The only type of people that were allowed to be with the Spanish were mostly only Catholics or you had to be from a noble family and you had to be …

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…was decentralized and there was much more self-government. The British simply neglected to enforce or regulate. Democracy's seeds are planted. Economically, many Spanish had tried exploiting and going home-they did not posses the mind set to 'develop' as much as North Americans. Government regulation is in a form of regulation of emigration and trade. For the British, most settlers, stayed in New World and invested. The government stayed clear of economic activity for most part.