Compare and Contrast the Populists and Progressives

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Essay Database > History > North American History
As the United States advanced into the twentieth century, the Populists and Progressives saw numerous economic, political, and social problems in need of reform. The Populist movement was a result of a campaign by the Farmer's Alliance. Their chief organizer was a man named Ignatius Donnelly whose proposals were passed into law in the Progressive era. The Omaha Platform was adopted by the newly formed party and it called for the free coinage of silver. …

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…urban workers. Yet another reason is that the crop lien system was being damaged by the Subtreasury Plan. Finally, they lost the support of the urban upper class because of the nationalization of railways, and Postal Saving Banks. On the other hand, the progressives enjoyed many successes during their tenure as a major political party. In conclusion, the progressives succeeded because they won the support of the middle class, island communities, and working class people.