Compare and Contrast on Marriage

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Marriage to me is a give and take relationship between two people who love and understand each other. I am twenty-six years old and my wife is twenty-five so we are pretty close to the same age. We started dating in 1994 and were married in 1999. My wife and I have been together for about eight years now and have seen the good times along with the bad. My wife and I have many differences, but …

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…all for it. If you are like my wife and me, you will agree that mini-golf is a sport. We definitely agree on that notion. Conclusively, I think my wife and I make a perfect couple. We have enough differences to make us unique in our own ways and we also have enough similarities that we enjoy being with each other. Although our differences often drive each other crazy, they also keep the relationship interesting.