Compare and Contrast Essay about "Sunrise" by Claude Monet and other impressionists

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Compare and Contrast Essay For my compare and contrast essay I have chosen the painting "Sunrise" by Claude Monet. Claude Monet is an impressionist who painted with stress on color and light. Monet painted the "Sunrise" in 1872. This is during the time where impressionism was at its most potent. The scene is of a body of water possibly a river, with row boats on it. The time of day seems to be dawn when the …

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…looking at this piece. I think that it is beautiful and very good. However, it gives me no emotion what so ever. I guess over all that I enjoy "Sunrise" more than "The Ballet Class", that is if I had to choose. The reason I would choose Monet over Degas is because of the emotion that I feel. I am led by emotions when it comes to art and Degas' did not lead me anywhere.