Compare Living in City and Living in Countryside
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Pages: 2
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Pages: 2
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Business & Economy
The lifestyle in a city and in a countryside are very different because there are infrastructures in cities but there are not in countryside, like transports, high buildings that make the landscape very different. In the countryside, it's an agricultural lifestyle, where you'll find the peasants. If you compare the populations between cities and countryside, you will find the population of countryside older than in cities.
The people in countryside tend to be friendlier. Since
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colleagues surrounding them. Besides, once beginning to live in countryside and getting used to these simplicities; namely when it becomes a regular thing not to see a traffic jam around you, you may miss your *high life standard* that you left behind you. Life can seem to be on a regular, monotonous basis that doesn't seem to be the life you thought at first. So you got to be balancing both sides of life styles.
colleagues surrounding them. Besides, once beginning to live in countryside and getting used to these simplicities; namely when it becomes a regular thing not to see a traffic jam around you, you may miss your *high life standard* that you left behind you. Life can seem to be on a regular, monotonous basis that doesn't seem to be the life you thought at first. So you got to be balancing both sides of life styles.