Compare "Antigone" with 21st Century life.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The 5th century before the Common Era seems so long ago, yet the literature written in the time period has stood the test of time. Sophocles's drama "Antigone" has many lessons that can be cross applied to the present. Creon's series of blunders which ultimately lead to his fall from power and happiness has a direct implication on today's modern society. Antigone's loyalty to her kin is a model for the passion and devotion family …

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…entertained his audiences of the time, but wrote a masterpiece that would last throughout the ages. Antigone's bravery lives on through the few who show true devotion to their families and friends. The lessons learned through Creon are not being taken into account as seen with President Bush. We of the 21st century need to look back to the past in order not to make the same mistakes outlined by Sophocles so many years ago.